
About the Authors

Richard and Linda met in San Francisco in 1962, lived through the Sixties, and spent many years together in New Age mysticism before becoming Christians in 1976. Since then, they have taught numerous seminars and classes on discerning our times. 

Richard holds a Master of Arts in Religion in Church History and has been a Bible and church history teacher for over thirty years. In addition, he spent thirty years working in locked psychiatric units seeing the fruits of drugs, New Age mysticism, and the mental health crises of our age.

Since 1992, Linda has been the president and senior editor of Logos Word Designs, LLC (www.logosword.com), which provides publishing consultation, writing, and editing services to a wide range of clients. She is currently focusing on their own writing and only takes select projects. A former Gold Member of the Christian PEN and a former freelance staff editor with Redemption Press, she has a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Oregon with master's level work, as well as 10 years of experience in the legal field.

See our “News & Posts” tab above and Richard's blog at gloriousriches.blogspot.com for ongoing discussion about contemporary trends in Christianity that open the door to New Age philosophies and practices, such as Romantic Christianity and the Emergent Church movement.

To contact Richard and Linda for interviews and speaking, please use the “contact” page. 

Here's the true story.

It was 1962, and there was a sense of awakening in the air, a call to a different kind of life.

Young people hearing the siren song were pouring into San Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury District from across the nation. A declining neighborhood, the Haight blossomed overnight into a counterculture Mecca, spreading the new consciousness in a chaotic profusion of hippie pads, light-shows, and drugs.

One sunny spring day, we met at an anarchist meeting.

Richard’s father, Julius, was a tough Marxist revolutionary who had known Chinese premier Mao Tse Tung prior to the 1949 communist takeover and had organized cannery workers from Monterey to San Francisco. Now he supported a hotbed of radical leftists who ran Ye Olde Anarchiste Bookstore in the Nathan storefront apartment on Ocean Avenue.

Although we attended UC-Berkeley for a while, we soon lost interest in school and in 1963 headed for Europe on an old freighter, an odyssey that took us through the slums of Morocco, Naples, and London.

Upon our grateful return in spring 1964, we landed an apartment in the Haight-Ashbury District by Golden Gate Park where the hippie movement was just taking off. From there, we watched the park overflow with gigantic “be-ins” teeming with “flower children,” loud bands, and drugs. Swept into the ’60s maelstrom, we plunged into the new psychedelics--LSD, mescaline, and marijuana--and became fervent “evangelists” for the world they opened--the "New Age" of occult mysticism with its own “born again” experience.

It was a brief flush of what felt like innocence.  For fourteen years, we explored everything that promised freedom, from humanistic and psycho-spiritual therapies to Eastern religions and “white” witchcraft, while Linda sporadically pursued her degree in psychology-a field rapidly melding with Eastern religious and occult concepts. Eventually, we became psychic “channelers” and “healers” in a New Age spiritualist church where Linda, now “Lady Linda,” became eligible for minister’s papers.

Surely, we thought, we were on the cutting edge of new revelation for humanity.

Meanwhile, the early convulsions in San Francisco were mere birth pangs for the explosive resurgence of the occult/New Age Movement and green Marxism. For by the early ’70s, these radical seeds were growing and mutating into an interlocking philosophical and spiritual root system that began transforming, especially among the youth, America’s social-spiritual structures.

What once was viewed as mere San Francisco eccentricities ignited a movement that is moving like wildfire through every level of society, expanding and coalescing worldwide today.

The Omega Point Series

"The Glittering Web," "Darkness Comes in Like a Flood," and the newly released "The Return," were born out of that crucible to help discern the times and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. Would you like to meet Him now?

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